March 3, 2012
New blog coming soon!
October 30, 2006
October 26, 2006
Upgrading The Conservative Revolution!
October 22, 2006
George Will looks at the Iraq Study Group
October 19, 2006
Great article on campus conservatives
October 17, 2006
ISI running an ad on National Review Online

October 16, 2006
Campus Magazine publishes my essay on conservative revolutions
October 13, 2006
Amanda Carpenter of Human Events writes new book on Hillary Clinton
October 11, 2006
Democrats for the super-rich
How ironic that Democrat gubernatorial candidate Chris Bell will take $5 million dollars from trial lawyer John O'Quinn. The party that always clamors that Republicans are "for the rich" is taking money from a super-wealthy man who owns 600 cars worth $100 million. Why doesn't he practice what Democrats preach and redistribute that wealth to the poor in Texas? George Soros, the Hollywood crowd and John O'Quinn all have one thing in common: They want the taxpayers to be the ones footing the bill for wasteful social welfare programs as long as they get to keep their mansions and porsches. This is the height of hypocrisy inherent in the Democrat party's philosophy.
October 7, 2006
Watch me on PBS show NOW
September 30, 2006
My remarks to The John Adams Society of Georgetown University
September 25, 2006
Busy Week
September 15, 2006
Teacher Tears Down '911 Never Forget' Flyer at San Francisco Catholic School.. Says it Offends Muslims: Developing...
September 11, 2006
Is there such a thing as a conservative revolution?
TCR on Front Page Magazine
September 10, 2006
Update: Accusations of bigotry
"Nevertheless, we have decided to disinvite Dr. Jensen. We do not want to jeopardize this conference which has always been such a wonderful opportunity for people to grow and learn. Have you ever attended one of the 18 conferences we have held? Perhaps we missed a great opportunity to evangelize Dr. Jensen. I hope he doesn’t think that Catholics are closed minded and bigots."
Apparently some in the Diocese office are not too fond of me now.
September 8, 2006
Update: Dr. Jensen CANCELLED
“I don't believe in God. I don't believe Jesus Christ was the son of a God that I don't believe in, nor do I believe Jesus rose from the dead to ascend to a heaven that I don't believe exists… My decision to join a church was more a political than a theological act.”
Accuracy in Academia on TCR
September 7, 2006
Update: Catholic Church will Host Bob Jensen
Catholic Church invites atheist, pro-abortion professor to speak
September 5, 2006
Armey going to Iowa
September 1, 2006
Response to Professor Henson's comments
SMU Professor Calls me a Parvenu...
August 29, 2006
ISI Debate on Immigration
August 27, 2006
Fox News Journalists Forced to Convert to Islam (Video)
August 25, 2006
Institute of World Politics graduate on Iran
August 24, 2006
Iran going past the point of no return?
In addition, an article Tuesday on the Teheran Times Web site, considered to be affiliated with the Foreign Ministry, implied that Iran's nuclear technology had already reached the point of no return. "If the West is seeking to impede Iran's nuclear industry, it should realize that Iran has passed this stage," the report read.
August 20, 2006
Pat Buchanan says the West is dying
Georgia Tech Speech Codes Defeated!
August 17, 2006
Anti-Business Democrats Attack Wal-Mart
August 16, 2006
Campus Progress vs. Students for Saving Social Security
Like a good "progressive", Ms. Goldstein has no problem taking money from one person and redistributing it to another person. She apparently feels like this is a fair way to fund the largest government program in the world. (Did I already mention that it is going broke in 2040?)
This is typical of Leftists. They truly believe that money doesn't belong to those who earn it, or invest it, but money belongs to the collective. Instead of offering a real solution, giving younger workers at least a CHOICE to have personal accounts, Ms. Goldstein would rather have the government steal money from some, and give it to others. She is well on her way to becoming a Democrat operative and a socialist in the footsteps of FDR himself.
August 12, 2006
Hezbollah/ANSWER Counter-Protest a Success!
August 5, 2006
Anti-War and Pro-Troops Rally Showdown in D.C. Aug. 12th
July 30, 2006
Newt Gingrich Says World War III Has Begun

July 29, 2006
Tell Legislators to End the DC Gun Ban!
July 27, 2006
International ANSWER = Workers World Party
Did "Peace" Groups Finance Terrorists in Iraq?
July 23, 2006
The Conservative Revolution is Coming to Boston, MA
Conservatism on Tap
July 18, 2006
Iran struck first
July 15, 2006
American Students Trapped in Lebanon
July 14, 2006
Coalition for America's Future
July 12, 2006
Job Opportunities in DC
July 11, 2006
Sen. Durbin a Hypocrite on Guantanamo
"If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime--Pol Pot or others--that had no concern for human beings. Sadly, that is not the case. This was the action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners."
July 6, 2006
Iraqi Documents to Shed Light on Saddam's Terror Ties?
July 3, 2006
Independence Day
June 29, 2006
New York Times Answers Critics
June 27, 2006
Flag Amendment Defeated
June 25, 2006
I'll be in Raleigh, North Carolina Monday and Tuesday
June 22, 2006
June 20, 2006
2nd edition of my book
June 14, 2006
Protest Warrior Videos Finally Online!
Iraq War Debate in Congress
June 12, 2006
Watch the video from my debate on Iran!
June 7, 2006
Stop Hillary from Neutering the Internet!

June 4, 2006
This Week's Happenings...
June 2, 2006
Freepers take on Phelps Baptist Church on Memorial Day
May 26, 2006
Senate Passes Immigration BIll
May 23, 2006
Iran Tests a Long-Range Missile
May 18, 2006
Assaulted by on Capitol Hill

May 3, 2006
SMU Business School Official Labels Young Conservatives of Texas the “Junior League of the KKK”
April 30, 2006
Protest at the Washington Hilton
April 24, 2006
Texas House begins debate on property tax reform
April 21, 2006
School Choice in Texas
My political contributions are an open record, as they should be. But opponents of school choice hide from public view both taxpayer-financed lobby efforts and substantial unreported political spending. These critics should stop hiding. And the media should scrutinize their efforts as they have mine. My resolve is firm and my political activities unambiguous: those who support helping the neediest children escape failing schools will receive my support, and I will vigorously oppose those who don't.
April 18, 2006
April 16, 2006
April 9, 2006
US to Strike Iran?
"Already the coordinating propaganda has galvanized the American people against Iran for the supposed threat it poses to us with weapons of mass destruction that are no more present than those Saddam Hussein was alleged to have had."
"What will it take for us to learn from our failures?"
"Common sense tells us the war in Iraq soon will spread to Iran. Fear of imaginary nuclear weapons or an incident involving Iran – whether planned or accidental – will rally the support needed for us to move on Muslim country #3. All the past failures and unintended consequences will be forgotten."
April 6, 2006
Indianapolis is Rainy
April 3, 2006
Flashback: "Denver Post piece on Gov. Owens and Dick Armey"
April 2, 2006
Flashback: "Conservatives Gaining Ground at UT"
Nationwide, conservative students' tactics over the last year have garnered much attention. Two weeks ago, YCT's Austin chapter held a "straight-pride" rally. Last November, the organization's watch list - for professors they deemed biased - landed Kinghorn and UT journalism professor Bob Jensen on "The O'Reilly Factor." Conservative groups across the country have also been criticized and praised for their "affirmative action bake sales," where a cookie costs $1 for a white male, 45 cents for a black male and 35 cents for a Latino. It was his "three-and-a-half years of indoctrination at UT," that pushed Brendan Steinhauser, a government senior, to start a chapter of Students For Academic Freedom on campus over the Christmas break.The nationwide organization argues that campuses are overwhelmingly liberal and demands that administrations seek a more balanced point of view among faculty. Liberal-turned-conservative activist David Horowitz founded the organization last September, and already 123 campuses have started their own chapters.
March 31, 2006
More video from the Abdul Rahman case
March 30, 2006
Reagan's Children -- A Piece by Hans Zeiger
March 29, 2006
National Journal Covering the McKinney Assault Story
Did Cynthia McKinney Assault a Police Officer?
March 26, 2006
Time for Telecommunications Reform
Illegal Immigrants Protesting and Lobbying for Citizens' Rights
Flashback: Protesting Michael Moore in Crawford, Tx
March 25, 2006
Abdul Rahman Rally

March 23, 2006
Free Abdul Rahman!
March 22, 2006
Jihad at UNC
March 13, 2006
Bush Forgot to Get His Absentee Ballot
March 10, 2006
FreedomWorks President Matt Kibbe on the Daily Show
March 6, 2006
Mark Steyn on Jihad and Our Response
February 26, 2006
Support National Right-To-Carry Reciprocity Bill
February 24, 2006
Hans Zeiger and Reagan's Children
Young Conservatives of California Endorses Bill Morrow for Congress
February 20, 2006
New Blog for "Reagan Babies"
February 14, 2006
Support Telecom Reform in Indiana!
February 1, 2006
Poetic Justice, update
January 31, 2006
Indiana Trip
January 20, 2006
UCLA Alumni Group Exposing Left-Wing Indoctrinators
Iran... What to do?
January 18, 2006
U. of Delaware Secretary Sends Partisan Email
State Representatives Deborah Hudson and Melanie George Marshall, State Senator Patricia Blevins, NCC Councilwoman Karen Venezky and former NCC Council President Stephanie Hansen are holding a rally in support of Senate Bill 80 on Wednesday.
The purpose of the rally is to organize public support for the bill, discuss the current status of the bill and any amendments, and debunk recent misrepresentations by groups in opposition.
The rally is open to the public and anyone with an interest in supporting the passage of SB 80 is invited to attend.
January 16, 2006
Pennsylvania Prof Speaks Out Against Academic Freedom Bill
House Resolution 177, known as the "Academic Freedom Bill," is currently under consideration in the Pennsylvania General Assembly.
A liberal-arts-educated person is one who prizes freedom of thought and expression and who makes principled arguments in favor of things such as equality and social justice.
One might imagine that intellectuals, nationwide, are speaking out in brief and at length based on their knowledge of growing injustices, and their sense of civic responsibility. As education leaders they may be countering and correcting for what they know is not "fair and balanced" in the media mainstream.
If this is so, the solution is not censoring educators with intellectual and social conscience, but initiating broad societal changes that will bring integrity to the meanings of liberty, freedom and democracy.
January 11, 2006
Great film on Campus Leftists
Law Schools as Left-Wing Incubators
January 8, 2006
Academic Freedom Hearings in Pennsylvania
Great Column on Campus Conservatives
January 6, 2006
Number One
January 2, 2006
I'll be on the radio tonight...
December 30, 2005
California State Refuses to Recognize Christian Student Association