July 23, 2006

The Conservative Revolution is Coming to Boston, MA

This fall, look out for the conservative revolution on college campuses. It will be spreading to the city of Boston, MA as my good friend Ryan Sorba, an expert in campus activism, heads out there for the Leadership Institute. The LI is planning a massive onslaught against the campus Left, and all of their field representatives are now armed with a copy of TCR!!! Utilizing the ideas in the book, along with the combined resources of ISI, Students for Saving Social Security, Accuracy in Academia, Students for Life, Students for Prosperity, FreedomWorks, the Network of enlightened Women, and Students for Academic Freedom, the conservative campus field reps will create a firestorm this fall. The Campus Leadership Program at LI is set to have its best year yet. To quote Anthony Mantova of LI when I asked about the size and scope of the program, "Well, Left-wing scum doesn't smash itself." No, Anthony, it does not. But with this alliance of campus conservative groups ready for the fall, Left-wing scum like "Campus Progress" has a lot to worry about.


Anonymous said...

Anthony Mantova might have said something you like, but he has also refused to even consider serving in the military, thus becoming a posterboy for chickenhawks, a symbol of those who call others to fight, but not them, and probably ending any career he thought he had in politics.

Anonymous said...

I just dont get how they call anything they do "progress".Rather,"regress".