July 15, 2005

Moving to D.C.

I just got back from Washington, D.C. where I finally found a place to live. My new address will be 5905 K Coverdale Way in Alexandria, Virginia 22310 I am looking forward to moving out there at the end of July. I start my job the first week in August. My posts will obviously contain notes about what I am doing with Freedom Works, in addition to the progress my friends are making in groups like YCT and YCC. I am excited to take the next step in the "revolution."

July 8, 2005

We are all British today...

July 1, 2005

My New Job

I will be leaving San Diego (sadly), and will be taking a job with Freedom Works in D.C. (gladly). I am really excited about this opportunity. I'll be the Grassroots Manager for Freedom Works, building a grassroots army of conservatives. I'll be moving out to DC by the end of the month. I sure will miss those warm and breezy California days. :( But I look forward to working full-time as an activist and advocate. To all my buds in Cali, Call Me, and we'll set up a time to get a beer before I leave.